How to Build Resilience and Gratitude in 2020

by | Nov 24, 2020 | Uncategorized

Gratitude is a big topic as we prepare to celebrate Thanksgiving in the US. Because 2020 has been such a topsy-turvy year, gratitude may be a stretch for some. But, there could not be a better time to start to build your resilience and gratitude in 2020.

The many benefits of gratitude include:

  • Lower stress levels
  • Better relationships
  • Improved work performance
  • Increase mental and physical well-being
  • Greater happiness

The author of the linked article discusses those and other benefits of the practice of gratitude. It is worth reading for the holiday and beyond.  And the article also has some good tips on what to do to get started with your gratitude practice. I have had a gratitude practice for over 7 years, which includes keeping a gratitude journal. It has changed me and my life for the better and helped me become more resilient.

How to Start Your Practice:

  • Get a notebook or a blank journal
  • Start by listing 3 things you are grateful for each day by simply writing, “I am so grateful for……” Some days it may be as simple as being able to see, or laugh, or hug your kids.
  • Write in your journal consistently every day. Consistency is where the real impact happens.

Things I have expressed gratitude for include warm, loving, and supportive friends and family, opportunities to share my gifts and talents to help people thrive, and my blessed life. You can always list more than 3 things for which you are grateful because the list of possible things is endless. I now list 7 things each day.

And if you have experienced loss this year, give thanks for how whatever it was that you lost contributed to your life and helped shape you. As a result, gratitude can be a very helpful way to ease your grief.

Why Now?

Thanksgiving can be a great time to start your gratitude practice and build your resilience and gratitude in 2020 because you are likely already in a gratitude mindset for the holiday. Commit to yourself to practice gratitude every day for the next 6 months and consequently see the amazing changes in you and your life.  I would love to hear about those changes. Building your resilience and gratitude now will also help you have a better 2021. You just might decide to keep going for a full year.

“Gratitude is not only the greatest of virtues but the parent of all others.”~ Cicero

Have a Blessed and Happy Thanksgiving!

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